Agile Analysis

This term is defined within the context of story driven work. Story driven work can be done in any agile method but, is commonly used in Scrum.

To find the stories anyway possible. There is no presumption that one form of analysis is better than another. The goal is to find the stories so that we can drive the team in bite sized chunks of work.

Agile Analysis can be be done with any technique and might include but, should not be limited to.

  • Use Case Analysis
  • Commonality Variability Analysis
  • Financial Analysis
  • Market Research
  • Simple dialog (ask your customers)
  • Simple dialog (ask your stakeholders)
  • JAD sessions
  • Interactive techniques (i.e. Innovation Games®)

However, you find the stories they are opportunities to proceed. With good opportunities you have a chance to move understanding forward.

Complex work requires an adaptive approach to analysis.