What Do You Do When You Finish a Sprint Early?

finish a sprint early

So, let me talk about the easy stuff first. One of the best things that can happen to a Scrum Team is that it finishes its work early in a Sprint. It amazes me that Teams are confused about what to do, but they are. So here goes… If the Team finishes early, it seems to me there are two choices:

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Three Layers of Prioritization

Last week, we talked about The Rule of 3: 3 Layers and 3 Strategies to Prioritize Scrum. We decided to turn the first part of that blog, the Three Layers of Prioritization, into an infographic for our visual learners.

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Scrum Backlog Refinement

Backlog Refinement includes moving Stories into the Back Burner and further refining them until they are Ready to go to Planning. In order to do this there are some basic things that must be done…

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