Is Anonymous Feedback Useful?

How does feedback happen on your Team? A Scrum Team member recently told me that she receives feedback anonymously from her Teammates and the business as a whole, so she’s never told who made what comment in their feedback process—that’s normal in their organization. As someone who has facilitated numerous feedback processes, this surprised me…

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Leader-less Scrum?

3Back Scrum & Agile Blog - Situational Leadership - Well Formed Team

Is your Scrum vocabulary missing the word “leader”? Is the idea of recognized leaders something you think belongs to the waterfall world, not agile? Some people were trained that in Scrum the only acceptable uses of leader refer the Scrum Master’s servant leadership or Dev team members’ situational leadership. Do you have a vague sense…

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Leading A Team From The I-Stage To The We-Stage

Teams, like people, grow through developmental stages. I would like to focus on one of the key challenges a Team faces: moving from the I-Stage (where everybody is focused on personal knowledge and expertise) to the We-Stage (where the group becomes a genuine Team that is synergizing their collective abilities).

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The Secret To Being A Perfect Team Captain And Not A Bad Boss

Every manager or leader wants to be a Perfect Team Captain. Every organization wants to have Perfect Team Captains in all their leadership and management positions. So why are so many managers and leaders Bad Bosses? Why do so many of them become overbearing, micromanaging, autocrats?

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8 High-Priority Skills To Be An Actionable Leader

What is an actionable leader? To us at 3Back, an actionable leader is someone who:

Redefines the definition of leadership with management as a group responsibility.
Works together to find the most efficient way for a business to achieve its goals.
Maintains the happiness of the Team as a priority.

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The Path to Better Leadership

It’s hard to be a good leader, let alone a great one. Whether you’re a servant-leader (a.k.a. ScrumMaster) or the single wringable neck (a.k.a. Product Owner), you know what I’m talking about. Leadership is hard work! It’s like bushwhacking your way through a messy jungle. On one side of what could only vaguely be described…

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