3 Voting Methods for Agile Teams: Facilitating Decision-Making

3 Voting Methods for Agile Teams: Facilitating Decision-Making Things are always changing in and around an agile Team, so lots…

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One Step Back, Two Steps Forward

We were humming along as a Team; suddenly it feels like everybody’s got two left feet. What’s going on? Sometimes when a Team hits a rough patch, after a period of really working well together, it’s hard to understand what went wrong? We’ve faced tough challenges before… this feels different.


To Empower Your Scrum Teams, Provide Mission Protection

Scrum coaching and training usually focuses on strengthening your Dev Teams’ collaboration, empowering Scrum Mastering and Product Ownership. These ingredients are all required for Scrum Teams to achieve high-quality results. But a key ingredient is missing in creating the conditions for success: what 3Back calls Mission Protection.

Servant Leadership

Scrum Handbook: Servant Leadership And Scrum Mastering

Scrum Mastering is a servant-leadership role. That’s a given. The phrase servant leader, first coined by Robert K. Greenleaf in his groundbreaking essay, The Servant as Leader, defined the role as focusing “primarily on the growth and well-being of people and the communities to which they belong. While traditional leadership generally involves the accumulation and exercise of power by one at the ‘top of the pyramid,’ servant leadership is different.”

Large Scale Scrum

How To Do Large Scale Scrum [Infographic]

Many large organizations find it hard to deliver valuable Results to their Stakeholders. Their size makes it difficult to adapt to the fact that both the realities of delivery and the Stakeholder’s minds change in unexpected ways. That’s when systematic scaling of Scrum becomes critical to an organization’s success.


What Makes A Good Stakeholder?

Stakeholders are the reason we develop Product in the first place. Stakeholders are those people that have needs, wants, and desires. (In an IT setting, these may be referred to as desirements, a processing task or type of output that is desired, but not absolutely necessary.) As a Scrum Team, we are trying to identify work that satisfies our Stakeholders.

finish a sprint early

What Do You Do When You Finish a Sprint Early?

So, let me talk about the easy stuff first. One of the best things that can happen to a Scrum Team is that it finishes its work early in a Sprint. It amazes me that Teams are confused about what to do, but they are. So here goes… If the Team finishes early, it seems to me there are two choices:

ScrumMaster Certification

3 Undeniable Reasons To Get Your ScrumMaster Certification Now

Let’s face it, you’re really busy. So, the idea of taking time out of your crazy work day to get a certification may make you ponder, “Is this really worth it? Will it help me do my job better?” If this is what comes to your mind about becoming a Certified ScrumMaster (CSM), don’t feel bad. Critically walking through the “why should I do this?” argument is time well spent. So is getting your ScrumMaster Certification. Here are some important reasons why.