Is Anonymous Feedback Useful?

How does feedback happen on your Team? A Scrum Team member recently told me that she receives feedback anonymously from her Teammates and the business as a whole, so she’s never told who made what comment in their feedback process—that’s normal in their organization. As someone who has facilitated numerous feedback processes, this surprised me…

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What Makes A Good Stakeholder?


Stakeholders are the reason we develop Product in the first place. Stakeholders are those people that have needs, wants, and desires. (In an IT setting, these may be referred to as desirements, a processing task or type of output that is desired, but not absolutely necessary.) As a Scrum Team, we are trying to identify work that satisfies our Stakeholders.

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Sprint Review

Sprint Review is when the Product Owner and the Team show the team’s results to their Stakeholders. There are a few reasons we do this…

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